The Activity Space & The Garden Space
Find the creative activity session for you or your kids inside in The Activity Space and outside in The Garden Space. These are for all ages from preschool to adult, with some being taught by local practitioners and some being less formal social sessions.
We have regular weekly and monthly sessions and also pop up events. Some are drop ins and some need to be booked in advance.
All activity sessions can be found on the Events Calendar and on our Facebook events page and advance booking is through the Upcoming Events webpage. Costs are kept as low as possible and some sessions are free or 'pay what you can'. Contact us if cost is a barrier to anything you would like to take part in.
The Activity Space is also available to hire for regular sessions or one off kids and crafty parties. Email weareoverthemoon@gmail.com for more details or come and chat to us.
Need to pay for an activity booking? Details for BACS payments are Over the Moon Shoreham C.I.C., 27131645, 60-19-17.
Want to find out more about the people running the activity sessions? Check out our ABOUT page here.
Current Regular Activity Sessions by Age:
Preschool kids plus their grown ups:
Creative Cow on Thursdays: drop in between 10.30am and 12pm
School kids without their grown ups:
Messy Makers Club on Mondays, 3.45 to 5.15pm for primary school kids
After School Sewing Club on Tuesdays for kids age 8+
After School Art Club on Thursdays: 3.45 to 5.15pm for kids age 10+
Crafty Coffee Morning: drop in on Wednesdays 10.30am to 12pm with your own craft project to work on
Crafting Meet up: drop in fourth Monday of the momth, 7 to 9pm, with your own craft project to work on
Adur Repair Cafe, first Saturday of the month, 10am to 12pm
For other activity sessions including short courses and one off workshops see here.